Great turnout for pickle ball training session provided by Mitch Ripkin.
2021 FLCC Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Forest Lake Country Club of Sylvan Lake, Inc. will take place on Saturday July 3rd at 10:00AM.
The Zoom credentials have been emailed to each cooperator household. If you did not get an email you can request the details from
See you there!
Mail Delivery update at FLCC
FLCC Paving Project Update
Here we will post the status updates on the paving Project.
The back-filling of the roads are almost complete.
Work is almost done! We will be doing some additional wok back-filling the drop-off on the side of the roads where the asphalt was overlaid.
Photos: Sam Fox
Work continues. The nights have been cold and there has been some rainy days. We hope to have one more update before opening day.
Photo: Jim Nicoletti
Photos: Joanne Reinhardt
Milling has started. They have been working on Azalea, Buttercup and Carnation.
Currently we are scheduled to be complete the project by May 3. The weather may have an impact in this date. No major issues thus far. Where the roads are being dug, we are taking the opportunity to make some pipe repairs. Bill and Rod are adding protective sleeves to the piping for added protection.
This week calls for damp and wet weather so we may lose a little time.
Photos : Sam Fox
4/2/21Transport the following pieces of equipment to site location.Cat 430 IT backhoe,Tru Pac 915 roller,Cat skidsteer.4/5/21Move in milling machine, mark out all roads to be milled and place millings on site. Address all water runoff, compact subbase and truck in item 4.Briggs Paving will update schedule throughout production duration.
Updated For Sale List
Cooperative Insurance “Recommendations”
At the 2020 Annual Shareholders meeting there was a discussion regarding what insurance coverages would be recommended for us to carry on our bungalows. Brian was able to put together a document for us which is linked here: Cooperative Shareholder Insurance 2020 .
Please note that this is “Advisory” only and the final decision is up to the Shareholder as to what insurance they need.
FLCC “Street” Map Installed
Thanks to Patti Nicoletti for doing the legwork and putting out the effort to get our new street sign installed. No excuse for getting lost now!
Fall 2020 Newsletter
FLCC Annual Meeting Postponed
To: All Forest Lake Shareholders
Date: June 2020
Re: 2020 Annual Shareholder’s Meeting
As you know, we generally have the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in early July. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and state government guidelines, we are prohibited from meeting in large groups. We will be postponing the 2020 Annual Meeting to a later date.
All Shareholders will have advance notice of the Annual Meeting date when selected.
Thank you for your understanding.
Stay safe,
The Forest Lake Board of Directors
Covid-19 Update
TO: FLCC Residents
FROM: Board of Directors
DATE: July 3, 2020
RE: New York State Travel Advisory
We bring to your attention to a recent development that will impact some FLCC residents. On June 24, 2020, Governor Cuomo issued Executive
Order 205, Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in New York,
effective June 25, 2020.
The order directed the New York State Department of Health (DOH) to
issue a travel advisory that “All travelers entering New York from a state
with a positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents, or higher than
a 10% test positivity rate, over a seven day rolling average, will be required
to quarantine for a period of 14 days consistent with Department of Health
regulations for quarantine.”
The list of states currently affected include the following: Alabama,
Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and
Utah (see, DOH website,
advisory). This list will be updated by the DOH on a weekly basis on its
(“Restricted States”).
Since there may be FLCC residents currently in at least one of the affected
states listed in the paragraph above who may be planning to travel back to
New York, specifically to their unit in Forest Lake, we want to make
everyone aware that they must quarantine for a period of 14 days. While
there are exceptions for specified essential workers, the detailed quarantine
requirements, listed in the DOH’s Interim Guidance for Quarantine
Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in New York State Following Out of State
Travel (“Interim Guidance”) include:
The individual must not be in public or otherwise leave the quarters
that they have identified as suitable for their quarantine.
The individual must be situated in separate quarters with a separate
bathroom facility for each individual or family group. Access to a sink
with soap, water, and paper towels is necessary. Cleaning supplies
(e.g. household cleaning wipes, bleach) must be provided in any
shared bathroom.
The individual must have a way to self-quarantine from household
members as soon as fever or other symptoms develop, in a separate
room(s) with a separate door. Given that an exposed person might
become ill while sleeping, the exposed person must sleep in a separate
bedroom from household members.
Food must be delivered to the person’s quarters.
Quarters must have a supply of face masks for individuals to put on if
they become symptomatic.
Garbage must be bagged and left outside for routine pick up. Special
handling is not required. *
A system for temperature and symptom monitoring must be
implemented to provide assessment in-place for the quarantined
persons in their separate quarters.
Nearby medical facilities must be notified, if the individual begins to
experience more than mild symptoms and may require medical
The quarters must be secure against unauthorized access.
(For the complete text of the Interim Guidance, see
Click to access interimguidance_traveladvisory.pdf
*Please notify the maintenance staff to arrange a schedule for garbage pick
Please be aware that Executive Order No. 205 also provides that any
violation of the travel advisory may be enforced by a local department of
health and may subject someone who is non-compliant to a civil penalty.
In addition, several residents have shared their concerns about some not
adhering to social distancing. Please remain diligent in your efforts to keep
each other safe. The board reminds you to maintain 6’ distance while sitting
at the lake or swimming. Please disinfect any sports equipment after use.