Welcome back!

Hopewell Junction, New York
A cooperative community since 1976


From the Board of Directors: Contact us at forestlakeny@gmail.com
Welcome back to the Forest Lake Country Club for the summer of 2023. We are so excited to begin another amazing summer at the lake and be with our “summer friends” again. As we all know, our summer lake community is a unique place. There aren’t many summer bungalow cooperatives
remaining that offer the amenities we do. We have the most splendid lake to swim or float in, and a place to watch a glorious sunset with our friends and family. We are so fortunate to have this community to live in six months out of the year.
To keep our community thriving, the Board works year-round to ensure that the property and the cooperative continue to run efficiently and effectively. We have a few updates and reminders to relay to you from each of the board committees so that we can plan for a great summer at Sylvan Lake.
Waterfront Committee: We have received permission from the Town of Beekman to install a new gate to the waterfront fence, which will allow Shareholders with dogs to access the waterfront safely.
The new gate will be installed as soon as Billy can get to it. We are so happy to finally get this project underway, as it has been a long time in the making and we hope it will provide the safe accessibility that you requested.
We have also been given the go ahead from the Town of Beekman to install an official crosswalk on Sylvan Lake Road. We all know how harrowing it can be to cross the street during the summer months. We hope that the crosswalk will provide our Shareholders and their guests with the safety they deserve when walking to the lake.
Currently, it doesn’t look like we are going to be able to secure a lifeguard for the summer. They are becoming increasingly scarce due to a lack of interest in the profession. However, we will continue to do our best to find a certified lifeguard. Please remember to be careful while swimming and playing in
the lake. Most importantly, remember to look out for one another while enjoying the waterfront.

  • Extension Committee:
    All construction by an outside contractor, done in season (Memorial Day through Labor Day), is restricted to Monday through Friday. Work is permitted between the hours of 9-4 (no weekend contractor work permitted). Shareholders may do their own construction M-F between the hours of 9-4 and on weekends between the hours of 10-4.

No furniture, mattresses, construction materials, etc., should be put out with regular garbage. Any construction materials should be removed by the contractor &/or the Shareholder at their expense.

Shareholders are limited to two dogs per Bungalow. Dogs must be leashed on property and owners are responsible for picking up after their pets. A $50 fee will be assessed to your account for failing to clean up and/or dispose of waste properly. Dogs are permitted at the waterfront on Doggie Beach ONLY. No one should bring their pets to sit with them at the beach. Pet owners are permitted to play with their dogs in the open field in front of the paddleball courts. Please use the space respectfully.

Any structural changes to the bungalows must receive approval from the Board and will require a $500 bond deposit. The bond will be returned when the Board is provided with a Certificate of Occupancy from the town. Any outside contractor, that is hired by the Shareholder, to work inside or outside the bungalow must provide the Board with a copy of the contractor’s certificate of insurance for review.

Sales Committee:

We currently ONLY have one bungalow for sale. If you know anyone looking
for an opportunity to become a Shareholder in our unique and beautiful community contact Meridith Skodnik at forestlakeny@gmail.com .

Beautification Committee:

The committee would like to remind all Shareholders that you are
responsible for the care and upkeep of your bungalow’s exterior. If you are cited by the committee to make repairs to your bungalow, you must comply. It is important for all of us to cooperate with each other, so that we can all benefit from a well-maintained community. It is also a requirement of our
property insurance policy that all bungalows have lattice or other materials that enclose the bungalow space between the sub-flooring and ground to prevent wildlife from nesting there. If your lattice is missing, please plan to repair/replace it as soon as possible.

Technology Committee:

The Wi-Fi is up and running at two locations: the waterfront and the
canteen. The password is (Lake1234!).

Maintenance Committee:

We will be disconnecting the landline in Billy’s office/garage soon. We
have issued him a new iPhone with the ability to receive text messages. If you need to contact him, please call, or text him on this new phone number. The old phone number will expire in one month.
So, make sure to add this new number to your phone.
Billy’s new phone number: (845) 453-3834

Finance Committee:

We will be sending the June 1, 2023, maintenance invoice out on May 1,
2023. If you haven’t used the link to pay your invoice online, we encourage you to give it a try. It’s an easy way to pay your invoice and more than half of the Shareholders have jumped on board with it.
Entertainment Committee:

Michelle and Meegan will be meeting soon to put together a great
lineup of events for us all to enjoy this summer. They did a great job last year and have volunteered again to provide us with some fun events. We will post the schedule as soon as we can. Stay tuned!
The board voted to close the Social Hall until further notice. We will be looking at various ways to make the repairs necessary to reopen it. All our meetings and social events will be held outdoors this year.
Our Annual Shareholders Meeting will take place on Saturday July 1, 2023, at
FLCC Board of Directors